How To Enable CommentLuv In Blogger Blog

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How To Enable CommentLuv in Blogger Blog

 How To Enable CommentLuv On Blogger Blog.Get Commentluv widget/plugin in your blogger or wordpress.Intensedebate's CommentLuv comment system is best when compared to Traditional blogging comment system. The most popular feature of Intensedebate comment system is you can enable commentluv,a plugin which has gained great popularity.

Use of CommentLuv in Blogger Blog

Whenever you comment on any commentLuv enabled blog ,it automatically shows your recent post on that blog,which gives you a backlink.And if you give 5 comments then 10 of your recent posts get listed under your comment ,which help visitors of that particular blog recognize your blog posts and in turn help your blog in getting traffic.

Steps to enable CommentLuv In your website

1.Go to and click on Create an account link.
2.Fills the details and select the option"I want to install Intense Debate on my blog or website”.

3.Click on the link sent to your email and enter your Blog URL and select your Platform as Blogger/wordpress.
4.In Installation tab,Follow the Instructions and click on Upload and Continue.
5. A new window will be opened and you will see an Html Code, just copy the whole code(ctrl+A).
6.Now go to your Blogger dashboard >Template > EDIT HTML >Proceed. Select all the html coding present in your Edit HTML Template Box and replace it with the html code,which you copied from the window and save the template.
7.Now go to your Intensedebate Dashboard (Manage Blogs/sites) ,click on settings and Select Plugins option.Look for CommentLuv and click on Activate.That's it, you are done.