How To Increase Subscriber Count For Your Blog

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Turning blog readers into subscribers is a goal of every blogger as Subscribers will give a static traffic to your blog.Readers would sit in a chair of subscription only when they feel that your blog has got some interesting stuff they are looking for.


1.Attract with Quality Content

If your blog is rich with genuine content with i3posts,then you don't need to play any tactics to get subscribers to your blog.Write about a topic (Niche) you interest in and that which help your readers.Readers related to a particular niche would automatically subscribe to a blog (in their Niche), the moment they find that the website they landed has got the information which help them make their lives easy.Write attractive posts as they  pull visitors and compel them turn into targeted subscribers.Writing about a particular niche and propagating your blog to the targeted readers in your niche will improve your blog subscription rate.

2.Integrate Subscription Widgets

Integrate your blog or website with simple and attractive subscription widgets to enable your readers sign up for your updates.Have a email subscription widget below every blog post you write as it drags readers attention to sign up after reading a post .Have subscription widgets in the form of pop ups ,but see that is should not annoy your readers.I would recommend to have a scrolling subscription widget at any corner of your blog ,which scrolls along with blogs page.Also placing a sign up widget at the top of your blogs sidebar would grab readers attention.Tell your readers to subscribe to your blog explicitly.

3.Attractive About Me Page

People are very much interested in others life,and that's what made Facebook a legend :) .Having attractive About Me page will make your visitors subscribe to your blog.Write about yourself on your blog and have your clear picture sized 400x400  .Include about your life journey,your interests, about your blogging career ,what made you start blogging,all achievements,mistakes you faced during your initial start.Tell your readers about your considerations and suggestions on blogging.

4.Offer Goodies

Offer your blog visitors a free eBook ,free blogger templates or free service upon subscribing to your blog.Also having weekly prize contests for your subscribers gives your blog a positive face.

5.Enable CommentLuv

Enabling CommentLuv on your blog will help your blog commentators sign up for your blog posts at ease as commentluv provides a check box for subscription below every comment.Giving a reply to every comment you get on your blog will let your readers know that you care for them.